External links

This page will be updated with links to film photography-related sites, both affiliated and not affiliated with us.


Educación Taller Lumière: yours truly’s blog mentioned in the About Us page. It’s in Spanish though.

Analog photography log notebooks: yours truly’s self-published log books for 35 mm, medium format, large format, and darkroom processes.


Disparafilm: shout out to this amazing blog (in Spanish too) who has re-published some of the content I’ve posted on my own blog. Wonderful people.

NOT AFFILIATED (not earning commissions from these links)

Freestyle Photo & Imaging: I’ve had nothing but positive experiences buying film, accessories, and equipment from them.

B&H: another store with plenty of film-related products. I’ve also had good experiences buying from them, so they also get this store’s seal of approval.

eBay: this one’s a little trickier. 90%+ of my purchases with them have been successful but there’s always the risk of being scammed, tricked, or lied to. However, I wouldn’t have my humble camera collection without buying from there. I might expand on this in the future, but Japanese sellers tend to be very conservative about their ratings, so I trust them more even if buying from them gets a bit more expensive.